To the inventor of the toddler carrier seat for bikes,
I would just like to know what kind of sick joke it is you are trying to play? Did you actually think strapping a wiggly toddler to the back of a self propelled two-wheeled vehicle was a brilliant idea? I bet you fall asleep every night laughing at all the yuppie first time moms and dads who fall for your scheme.
"Look honey, this bicycle seat is just as effective as the bike cart, and a third of the price. Why don't we get it?"
I'll tell you why you don't get it you poor, hapless schmuck- because toddler's wiggle when they get excited, and in order counteract the wobble to their wiggle you need more abdominal strength than the entire Chinese gymnastics team combined.
This is where the sick joke comes in... Chances are if you are a female, and you are trying to take a toddler for a ride in this sick torture device you probably birthed a child... Which means you probably don't have the abs of a Navy Seal... Which means after three minutes or so you probably have muttered every curse word you can think of, and maybe made up a couple for posterity.
You see this lady? She is a liar! She is not happy, and if she is happy it's only because she isn't moving!
So to you, Mr. (Or Ms.- I don't discriminate) Inventor- There is a special place in hell for people like you.
Good day to you!!!
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